Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

StudiVZ is doomed, Facebook will eat its lunch

Facebook’s “Reply by E-mail” Feature Now Live For Everyone

Facebook has just rolled out the ability for users to reply to comments through e-mail, a feature it began testing last month.

The feature is straightforward. Anytime you get a notification e-mail about a comment on a status update, a photo or a wall post, you can simply reply via e-mail and the post will show up on Facebook (). The social network is able to filter out unrelated text like your e-mail signature.

As we noted in our previous coverage, this move is about more than meets the eye. While it’s a useful feature, it also means Facebook is sacrificing short-term pageviews (by forcing you to log in) for more user interaction.

The same can’t yet be said for Facebook’s mail system, which isn’t getting the reply-by-e-mail functionality with this update.