10 days ago, Joe Hewitt, the developer behind Facebookfacebook
for iPhone, tweeted out that he had submitted the newest version of the app, Facebook 3.0, for approval. It wasn’t a minor upgrade either – video uploading, managing and RSVPing for events, seeing birthdays, post updates to pages, zoom in on photos, an updated news feed, and much, much more.
You would think that, with Facebook being the #1 most downloaded application in the iPhone App Store, that Apple would, you know, speed up approval. Countless people are aware the app is in the queue, if the extensive press coverage says anything. Yet here we are, still waiting.
Dear Apple: Where the heck is Facebook 3.0? We’d really like to know.
Not even Facebook’s Joe Hewitt has a clue. In fact, he’s had to resort to speculation. His guess is that we’re close, since the Flixster App was approved earlier today:

He’s been so frustrated that he recently called for Apple to completely remove the review process. We don’t think that’s ever going to happen though, so our suggestion is to create a “trusted developer” status, whose new apps and app updates are automatically published to the App store. Really Apple, do you think Facebook is going to publish a buggy app to millions of users?
The app review process is completely frustrating and utterly broken. Unjustly banned iPhone Apps and FCC investigations are just a few prominent examples of the issues that plague Apple’s approval process.
Apple, get the Facebook 3.0 app out already, and then fix your app approval process ASAP. Haven’t you had enough embarrassments already?