Developed and powered by Vitrue, the new page puts the App Store inside Facebook — making it easy to search for apps, share them with friends, find out which apps are hot right now and which are deemed “essential” by the iTunes editors.
In the Featured tab on the App Store’s Facebook page, you can see top apps and view the sales charts for paid and free apps across different categories. This is the same information that you would get from iTunes or from the App Store application on your iPhone or iPod touch, but it’s all in Facebook.

Click on the “Get App” button and a browser window for that application opens up (and if iTunes is installed, iTunes opens as well), allowing you to download with a single click. Underneath each app is a Facebook Share button that lets you share the app with your friends on your wall. The coolest part of the page is the Search & Share tab. Type in a keyword or a description for instant results, which you can then post to your wall.

Vitrue is planning on adding more features to the App Store’s page, which will make it much easier to sift through the 170,000+ apps offered. There are also some interesting promotional implications for app developers, who can use Facebook to easily publicize their apps.
Vitrue uses their SRM (Social Relationship Manager) to power the new App Store page. I’ve been able to take a look at what tools like this can do for small and large businesses looking to manage their social media sites, and the results are impressive.
What do you think of the App Store’s integration with Facebook? Let us know!