Kamis, 23 Desember 2010
mau survey dapat hadiah 1 buah iPad...???
Senin, 13 Desember 2010
Control Your Information Anywhere Anytime
All of Facebook's privacy controls are now available from any browser-enabled mobile device to the more than 500 million people, like you, who are using Facebook in every country around the world. Few online services offer any privacy controls to their mobile users. None that we know of offer the same control as the desktop version.
As mobile devices have become more sophisticated and widespread, we've noticed that people are creating content and accessing Facebook at every moment of the day, in many locations—not just from desktops.
Wherever you are connecting and sharing through Facebook, you should be able to make real time decisions over your information. Now you can.
You can get to privacy controls on mobile by going to m.facebook.com/privacy or by going to the Settings page and clicking the "Change" link next to the words "Privacy Settings." Check it out for yourself to:
Select who can see the content you post by setting the simple control for sharing on Facebook to friends, friends of friends or everyone,
Fully customize your granular settings, if you want, and have them take effect instantly, and
Read through our comprehensive privacy guide, formatted for mobile devices.
Privacy controls on m.facebook.com
We're rolling out the settings right now. If they aren't live for you yet, check again soon.
We hope you think having anywhere access to your privacy controls is helpful. We'd love to know what you think; share your feedback at www.facebook.com/privacyfeedback.
Michael, Facebook's mobile product manager, is letting everyone see his photos of the Morcheeba show last week.
Alternative m.facebook.com (quick solution access facebook)
Usually people who have never read nyeleneh solution to overcome the slow access to the facebook will make access up through page m.facebook.com the page opens up normally through the phone or other mobile device that displays a simple view of Facebook. Unfortunately due to prioritize access to the view that there is a little neglected, we can see the look on m.facebook facebook. Com which I feel less good views, so what's the solution or any other alternative?
Turns out, the solution of m.facebook.com is x.facebook.com and iphone.facebook.com. By accessing the address will look different views with m.facebook.com but still looks minimalist and most importantly better look good compared to m.facebook.com.
Both this page will look the same, the addresses are actually intended for users Hanphone with certain types. For obvious iphone.facebook.com to access facebook via iphone and x.facebook.com to access facebook via mobile nokia series x.
To know the look of x.facebook.com and iphone.facebook.com can we see examples below
m.facebook.com view
Minggu, 28 November 2010
Facebook Buys Friendster Patents for $40M
Diagram from a Friendster patent covering user compatibility scoring in a social network
The Friendster patents, which date back to the early days of social networking, are incredibly broad. They cover things like making connections on a social network, friend-of-a-friend connections through a social graph, and social media sharing. Friendster had received its first patent back in 2006, when it was already on the decline. At the time, Friendster President Kent Lindstrom told me the company had nearly forgotten it had ever applied for the patents, but added that “We’ll do what we can to protect our intellectual property.” From then on, Friendster frequently mentioned its patents as an asset, but to the best of our knowledge it never actually tried to enforce them.
At $40 million, the Friendster patents are one of Facebook’s largest acquisitions ever, on par with its FriendFeed deal. However, that money is trivial if there’s any chance MOL or someone else would have used the patents against Facebook. Especially with an IPO somewhere in its future, it was important that Facebook remove any shadow of a doubt that someone else had the rights to the intellectual property behind its core technology.
While MOL’s Friendster buy might not be the hottest property ever — the social network’s strongholds in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines are quickly being conquered by Facebook if they haven’t been already — the patent deal made MOL its cash back in the span of months.
It’s unlikely that Facebook would use the patents against other companies in the space rather than trying to out-compete them, though it now has the option to wield intellectual property as a weapon. There’s a historical reference for taking patents out of the market; the Six Degrees of Separation patent, obtained by the eponymous failed social networking startup, was bought at auction in 2003 by Reid Hoffman and Mark Pincus — in part to keep it away from Friendster, the market leader at the time.
Facebook Mobile Site m.facebook.com’s New Home Page Emphasizes Notifications
When users visit m.facebook.com they’ll see a trimmed down version of the status publisher above the new notifications, birthdays and requests panel. From here users can respond to friend requests, see that day’s birthdays, and click through links to view all of their latest notifications or their pending event invitations and other requests. This change refocuses the mobile interface on viewing and responding to the actions of others over creating new content.
Below notifications users will see Top News or Most Recent views of their news feed. Options to view only status updates or photos have been relocated behind the See More Stories button at the bottom of the Most Recent feed. There users will also find options to view feeds of only Link, Note, or Event stories — options not available on Facebook.com. Comment and like buttons are now in-line with news feed story timestamps, giving a more streamlined look with less empty white space. At the bottom of the feed is a People You May Know panel similar to the one seen in the right sidebar of the web version of Facebook.com’s home page.
At the bottom of the home page, the Bookmarks panel has been split with Notifications, My Pages, Events, and Photos remaining above the fold; and Links, Notes, Groups, and SMS hidden behind a More button.
This redesign is primarily aesthetic, and doesn’t give m.facebook.com users Places functionality like touch.facebook.com and Facebook for iPhone have. Though some traffic comes from m.facebook.com being used to direct people to download their handset specific Facebook app, m.facebook.com had almost 10 million daily active users and almost 50 million monthly active users by mid August. Keeping this user base engaged through redesigns is important as Facebook waits for them to have access to more full-featured apps and interfaces which increase overall usage.
Minggu, 21 November 2010
www.m.facebook.com | Signup Facebook Login Page
m facebook home is a networking services that helps you stay in touch with your friends and family. www.facebook.com has become very popular website facebook login mobile phone among teens and the younger generation - Gen Next. Now this service is accessible using your cellphone how to work facebook.
Mobile Site m.facebook.com Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
The mobile site is only part of Facebook’s multi-pronged mobile strategy, which also includes mobile apps and 0.facebook.com, but the addition shows that the company is committed to letting users control their data across platforms. The feature is being rolled out slowly, so it is currently unclear if users will be able to set distribution on a post-by-post basis or only as an overarching setting.
Users will soon be able to access the new mobile privacy controls at m.facebook.com/privacy, or by navigating to Settings->Privacy Settings. There they’ll be able to select who can see the content they share by selecting one of the buckets (Friends Only, Friends of Friends, Everyone, Recommended or Custom) that came along with the new privacy interface released in late May. Recommended is the first option, however, this in fact means sharing posts with everyone, which we noted could be risky since users often post content which could be dangerous or damaging to their credibility if seen by the wrong people.
Users will also have granular privacy control of who sees any of the actions one can take on Facebook. Block lists, public search settings, and basic directory information privacy will also be editable from m.facebook.com.
While users could always use their mobile browsers to change privacy settings by navigating to the slow-loading full site, access from within the mobile interface will increase the likelihood that users take control of who sees their content.
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Update Your Facebook Status from the Command Line
The first version that I wrote in 2006 was a little complicated. The script had to connect to several Facebook pages and collect cookies and challenge codes that were necessary to login and update the user’s status.
Facebook changed their login and status update mechanisms in version 2.0 breaking my original script. I’ve rewritten it to work with Facebook 2.0. It is now actually shorter because Facebook uses the user’s homepage as the central information area.
Any feedback is welcome. I plan to implement this in other utilities soon. Enjoy!
Why cant i update mfacebook status from my phone?
everytime i send my status to facebook from my cellphone it ends up as a wall post on my friends page
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010
How do I update my Facebook status?
(Note: I'm not Facebook savvy at all, and it might be that I'm just doing something wrong. if I am, that'd be good to know, too.)::
Just type it in that big white box on the top of your page. The one that says "What's on your mind?" That white box is now multi functional, and used for status updates/wall post/photo uploads/most facebook functions.
How do I subscribe to my friends’ status updates?
After you’ve activated Facebook texts, you can subscribe to a friend’s status updates by going to his or her profile and clicking the "Subscribe to SMS updates" link beneath the profile picture. You can also manage your subscriptions from the SMS Subscriptions tab of your Edit Friends page.
How do I add a new number or switch numbers?
If you already have a mobile number on the account, you can click "Add another phone" to activate another number for Mobile texts, or remove your existing number by clicking "remove" next to the number you wish to remove.
If you have more than one number registered on your account for Mobile Texts, you will have the ability to choose which number you want to send your Mobile Texts to. Simply select the mobile number you want to receive your texts to in the "Send texts to" drop-down menu at the bottom of this page.
I didn’t receive a confirmation code to activate Mobile Texts
If your carrier is not supported, we encourage you to contact your carrier to let them know that you are interested in this service. If enough people show interest, they may decide to support our Mobile Texts feature. For now, please note that you can use our Mobile Uploads feature to upload photos, videos, and notes directly from your phone. You should also be able to access your account via Mobile Web at m.facebook.com or iphone.facebook.com for iPhones.
If your carrier is supported, please read the following guidelines to troubleshoot your problem:
Be sure you are sending your text to the correct number for your carrier.
Make sure that your phone does not include a signature at the end of your text messages. This can interfere with Facebook Mobile correspondence.
Try sending "On" (without quotes) instead of "f" to receive your code.
If you have recently ported your number from a different carrier, you may not be able to receive the confirmation code to activate Mobile Texts. This is a problem that we are aware of and hope to resolve it as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If none of the above information resolves your issue, please click here to submit a report about your issue.
My carrier is not supported for Facebook Mobile Texts.
You can also submit a carrier suggestion here. Please note that although we are reading your suggestions, we cannot guarantee that your carrier will join Facebook Mobile Texts.
Selasa, 14 September 2010
Android for Facebook

Facebook for Android™ makes it easy to stay connected and share information with friends. You can share status updates from your home screen, check out your news feed, look at your friends’ walls and user info, upload photos and share links.
Price: Free
AndroidTapp.com Android App Review:
Pros & Cons:
- Connects to your Facebook account
- No dealing with Permissions issues
- Has an Android Widget with quick link to open full app (Wall entries)
- Likes and Wall Comments are available
- It’s speedy
- Inbox (actually there’s a loop hole to get to it via checking Friends Profile… see small link to Inbox. Of course the Mobile Facebook app displays as referred to my rant on Babbler Android App Review)
- Can’t view friends or your photo gallery
- Can’t send/accept Friend Requests
- Limited features
The app that dupped us all into thinking it was the official Facebook app for Android, yet a 3rd party developed Facebook app. The app is pretty limited in features in comparison to top apps like Babbler and Bloo. Upload photos, take a pic and upload, view your Feed, read/write to your Wall, Comment on Friends Wall, Like and Dislike comments.
Video: Facebook for Android
- Facebook for Android My Wall
- Facebook for Android Typing Status
- Facebook for Android Friends Comment with Likes
- Facebook for Android Upload Photo
- Facebook for Android Settings Menu
Facebook apps have such a high demand because so many people use the social network.
Ease of Use:
The app is intuitive and easy to use.
Frequently Used:
Possibly multiple times daily.
The user interface resembles what could come from Facebook’s brand. Clean, organized, and mobile optimised.
Kirkpatrick’s The Facebook Effect Is A Wonderfully Biased History Of Facebook
I’ve read David Kirkpatrick’s The Facebook Effect
twice now. I’ve also interviewed him about the book twice on stage – once at TechCrunch Disrupt and a second time this evening at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.
On a side note, as far as I know Kirkpatrick’s publisher Simon & Schuster is still planning on suing us for copyright infringement. I never heard back from them after their initial legal volley. I’m not holding that against Kirkpatrick, though – he’s a long time friend.
So I’ve spent a lot of time with this book. And I’ve spent a lot of time covering Facebook over the last five years, since my first post in 2005 when the company told us that 85% of college students at covered schools were logging into the site at least once a week.
About two years ago Kirkpatrick decided to write a book about Facebook. At the time the site was growing extremely quickly but it certainly wasn’t clear that it would become the 800 lb cultural gorilla that it is today. But he walked away from his position as one of the most senior tech writers at Fortune to pursue this book. And the end result is a fascinating read.
Here’s my recommendation: If you are interested in startups, or how marketing and advertising are evolving, or just how Facebook is changing the world, buy this book. It’s very readable and gives great insights into how Facebook grew from a dorm room to a huge company. There’s no other book out there that gives such a complete history of the company and of Mark Zuckerberg.
But if you’re looking for an objective and true history of Facebook, this isn’t it. Kirkpatrick really, really loves Facebook. So much so that I’m not sure he’s even close to capable of being objective about the company. He’s Bella staring at Edward, the vampire, with those puppy dog eyes full of deep, meaningful, painful adoration. Edward/Facebook is awesomeness in a bottle.
The result is a book that not only celebrates Facebook’s truly amazing accomplishments, but it’s also a book that makes excuses for, or denies, Facebook’s stumbles along the way. And that’s fine. But it isn’t really the truth. And what we need, eventually, is a book that tells the absolute, brutal truth about Facebook.
Facebook isn’t just a social network or a potentially huge business, says Kirkpatrick. It might also bring world peace. In the prologue he ponders: “Could [Facebook] become a factor in helping bring together a world filled with political and religious strife and in the midst of environmental and economic breakdown?” he adds later: “[Facebook] is altering the character of political activism, and in some countries it is starting to affect the process of democracy itself.”
Oh boy.
I mean, historically speaking all this may certainly end up being true, and more. But it just seems a little early to be talking about Facebook in these terms. In our conversation this evening Kirkpatrick also compared Zuckerberg to Bill Gates, noting how both have a strong desire to mold the world to their vision. That may also eventually be true, but we need to let a little time go by before we put Zuckerberg in the same category as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.
I’d forgive Kirkpatrick’s love affair with the company if he was a little more circumspect and careful with the historical facts. The two famous lawsuits that fell out of Facebook’s early days – ConnectU and houseSYSTEM – were characterized more as nuisance lawsuits than real questions about the integrity of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
We don’t need Kirkpatrick to shy away from the ugly details about the early days of Facebook. Sausage making is never pretty. But he gives such a one-sided view of the story that it leaves me wondering what details are being left out.
And plenty of details are left out, apparently. Kirkpatrick says he never actually spoke with the Aaron Greenspan, or the Winkelvoss brothers, or any of the other people who sued Facebook and Zuckerberg. Instead Kirkpatrick relied on the legal documents filed in those cases for their side of the story. That’s just not a good way to get to the truth.
“Zuckerberg clearly stole from the Winkelvoss brothers,” Kirkpatrick said this evening, “but the Winkelvoss brothers clearly stole from everybody else.”
That’s a great conclusion, but Kirkpatrick should have interviewed all of those people, and told the story from their perspective as well as Facebook’s. I think most readers are intelligent enough to look at both sides of the story and draw the right conclusions. Perhaps even the same conclusions that Kirkpatrick came to without even interviewing the people involved.
They say that history is written by the victors. In the end The Facebook Effect reads more like an authorized biography than anything else. It’s the story of Facebook as Facebook wants the story told. It is a wonderful, if flawed, story about the creation of a company that half a billion people interact with regularly. I highly recommend you read it, and then wait for the book that will tell the whole story.
Facebook App for webOS
The Pixi arrives on Sunday and with it, the ability for Pixi owners (and Pre owners when their 1.3.1 update arrives) to finally download the Facebook app from Palm's Official App Catalog. Here's our review, it's a quick one as the app probably does less than you might expect.
The Facebook app is actually more of a Facebook Friend Feed app. It consists of a list of your friends' status updates, which you an interact it on a fairly basic level. Here's the functionality the Facebook app offers:
- Read a list of your friends' status updates
- Comment on their status updates and make them as "liked."
- Update your own status
- When a friend updates a photo album, you can view the album within the Facebook app.
- Comment on a friend's photo album
That's about it. No viewing of profiles, no Facebook chat or Facebook Inbox, no invites. Even with the photo album features, it only works if it pops up in your news feed, you can't navigate to them directly. If you tap on a username inside the Facebook app, it takes you to your Synergized contact card for that friend.
Essentially, it's a Twitter-view of Facebook. It honestly is good at what it does, but don't expect it to do any more. The rest of your Facebook functionality on the Pre will still live at http://x.facebook.com. Or if you're a homebrewer, check out PalmBook.
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
To use Facebook on your mobile phone, go to facebook.com
Bharti Airtel, India’s largest cellular service provider, announced a partnership with Facebook yesterday that will bring free access to the site’s mobile version, m.facebook.com, to Bharti’s 130 million customers. For all of July and August Airtel subscribers can utilize key Facebook features like status updates, photos, and private messages with no data charges. The promotion aims to hook users on accessing Facebook from their phones, similar to 0.facebook.com, the free, text-only mobile version of the site Facebook is working with carriers worldwide to bring to users without data plans.
Unlike Facebook Zero, Airtel users will have access to m.facebook.com’s wider set of features, including data-intensive photos, but excluding more complex features like chat and games. Depending on the quantity of photos served, the promotion’s data transmission could become very expensive for whoever between Facebook and Bharti Airtel is footing the bill. The companies are betting they can recoup these costs from users who become accustomed to m.facebook.com and purchase data plans at the end of the two month trial. The promotion will likely boost m.facebook.com’s 19.8 million MAU and 7.76 million DAU, which it in turn seeks to push towards the better user experience of Facebook’s native mobile phone applications.
M.facebook.com is delegated to three name servers
You can get a free Facebook Login and signup for an account using your cellphone from this link. You can choose your name and get a new account signed up within minutes at the www.facebook.com site. Anyone is welcome to join this free service that is available in various languages.
Facebook is a networking services that helps you stay in touch with your friends and family. www.facebook.com has become very popular website among teens and the younger generation - Gen Next. Now this service is accessible using your cellphone.
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Facebook announced today that users of its mobile site m.facebook.com will soon be able to edit their privacy settings
The mobile site is only part of Facebook’s multi-pronged mobile strategy, which also includes mobile apps and 0.facebook.com, but the addition shows that the company is committed to letting users control their data across platforms. The feature is being rolled out slowly, so it is currently unclear if users will be able to set distribution on a post-by-post basis or only as an overarching setting.
Users will soon be able to access the new mobile privacy controls at m.facebook.com/privacy, or by navigating to Settings->Privacy Settings. There they’ll be able to select who can see the content they share by selecting one of the buckets (Friends Only, Friends of Friends, Everyone, Recommended or Custom) that came along with the new privacy interface released in late May. Recommended is the first option, however, this in fact means sharing posts with everyone, which we noted could be risky since users often post content which could be dangerous or damaging to their credibility if seen by the wrong people.
Users will also have granular privacy control of who sees any of the actions one can take on Facebook. Block lists, public search settings, and basic directory information privacy will also be editable from m.facebook.com.
While users could always use their mobile browsers to change privacy settings by navigating to the slow-loading full site, access from within the mobile interface will increase the likelihood that users take control of who sees their content.
Facebook Now Has Its Own URL Shortener
Bit.ly has not had any major threat to its market share, but that’s about to change. We’re learning that Facebook now has its own URL shortener. It’s unclear how long fb.me has been operation. What is clear, though, is that it’s appearing more and more in mobile links and within the Twitter (Twitter) stream.
Currently, Fb.me seems to be rolled out on a limited basis. As Inside Facebook points out, the Facebook URL Shortener is already in use on the mobile interface. Whenever links are shared within a mobile interface (i.e. an m.facebook.com link), it is now automatically shortened using fb.me.
It’s also active for Facebook (Facebook) usernames. For example, the short URLs fb.me/mashable and fb.me/benparr will take you to the Mashable (Mashable) fan page and my profile page respectively. This works for any username in the Facebook system.
Exploring Best Practices for Building and Monetizing Mobile Social Networks
This is a guest post written by Dave Sloan, Marketing Director of Avot Media. Avot Media is the innovator behind tipMotion, the high performance video transcoding and near-real-time streaming appliance enabling video delivery to Web-enabled mobile devices.
Social networking is quickly taking hold among mobile users. Juniper Research believes there will be as many as 54 million mobile social networkers worldwide by the end of 2008 and forecasts adoption to rise to 730 million users in 2013. That’s a lot of mobile friendships!
Mobile social networking has gained traction mostly due to well-built mobile applications. The Facebook application for iPhone (
) and Blackberry, for example, can quickly be found and installed. Once logged in, users can easily stay in touch and communicate with their friends from an intuitive mobile interface. For the rest of us with less sophisticated phones, simple mobile social network sites like m.facebook.com offer a pretty good experience and keep us hooked. We’re mobile, and we’re socializing.
From a mobile device, users can perform a subset of social networking functions like updating their status, sharing pictures, viewing pictures, reading mini-feeds, finding their friends contact information, even instant messaging. Limited functionality in a mobile environment is sufficient to keep us engaged, as long as our favorite features are accessible.
A new advertising medium
Social networking has changed the way we keep in touch, communicate, and share information with friends and acquaintances. Within the social network we can message each other, share photos, and stay up to date without email, without picture sharing Web sites, without instant messaging clients and now, without necessarily using a desktop computer. As we spend more time on social networks, invite our friends to join, and post content, we are increasing the size and value of the network, making the social network more attractive as an engaging advertising medium.
Artists who host fan sites, record companies who want to promote their artists, and the social networks themselves will benefit from making video available via mobile social networks. Artists can post videos and make them available on their Facebook () or MySpace (
) sites and can expect a healthy portion of these projected millions of users to watch them.
For artists, record companies, and advertisers there is a huge opportunity to sponsor the delivery of the video. There are really two opportunities here; brand impressions and conversion. Simply offering free premium content would promote the brand and encourage users to purchase CDs or merchandise at a later time. Or, there may be a more targeted approach where the user is prompted to buy ringtones, wallpaper, or tracks directly from the mobile social network. A short pre-roll video ad may be a good user experience, as long as the user does not feel over-exposed to ads.
Viral growth and sales
Social networks are inherently built to share and spread content virally. As more users view mobile video, the more likely they are to share content within their network, recommend artists, and promote music. Great experiences will spread brand awareness and lead to sales.
As an example, the new pop artist Colbie Callait posted a couple of her tracks on her MySpace page in 2006. Her songs were streamed over 42 million times, and seen on Youtube () over 25 million times. Her debut album “Coco” has since gone platinum with nearly 2 million albums sold. Social networks spread her music virally, leading to commercial success. The next big unsigned artist could have even greater appeal with mobile video.
The mobile device is incredibly personal and targeted. Content owners will need to experiment with different use case models to see what creates the best user experience, and which has the biggest return on investment. Above all, the social network must extend and enhance its user experience in its mobile context. Any user experience that requires too many steps, infringes privacy, or annoys the user with overcommercialization will turn users away quickly.
User Experience
Posting, tagging, and sharing pictures is a great experience from a mobile social network. On an iPhone, for example, users can scroll through high-res pictures of their friends as easily as they can browse digital pictures on their own mobile phone. The next logical step is to shoot, upload, share, and comment on video. Users will be able to shoot a video from their device and quickly post it to their profile. Youtube already offers this feature, but mobile video playback on the most popular social networks is not yet possible. Video () playback will enhance the richness of user-generated content and drive engagement and lock-in to the network.
Just like picture viewing, the mobile video sharing experience has to be rich and simple. Social networks can ensure a smooth video playback experience by using a robust video formatting and delivery engine on the backend. The right mobile video delivery tool can support various device formats, hundreds of phone types, all network conditions, and the scale and volume of their mobile user base. The user should be able to browse their friends’ videos and their fan page videos without being slowed down by slow download times and image break up.
Mobile video is best streamed directly to the mobile device’s native media player. This means that a social network application would need to pass the video request to the video streaming engine on the backend, have the video stream to the device’s media player, then pass the user back to the social networking app. Embedding the video inside the application won’t work as the native media player needs to take the entire screen, maximizing the quality of the video. However, it will be easy to design an experience that smoothly passes the user back to the application. Obviously, social networks are intent on keeping the user engaged and active on their network.
Best practices: Adding mobile video
Of course, social networks will want to be careful not to simply make video available via one channel, like on the iPhone over a 3G network. The best approach would be to invest in mobile video delivery tools that support all devices on all networks, especially popular lower speed networks like EDGE and popular phones like Motorola RAZR.
The trick to designing to a great mobile experience is to make content easily discoverable. Asking users to click 10 levels down in an on-deck feature phone application is messy. And, asking users to open a mobile browser and use a search engine is equally as painful. Mobile social networks have an opportunity to streamline the discovery of Web content. Content is shared, presented by friends, and presented in a mini-feed. No search required. No clunky WAP site. Users are already accustomed to content feeds on the desktop. Presenting content in the context of a social network via a mobile application is the logical next step. Social networks could, by virtue of presenting a great user experience, be the tipping point of mobile video.
Who benefits?
As data plans get cheaper, network connections get faster, and Web video explodes in popularity, delivering mobile video to social networking applications will benefit everyone.
• End users will benefit by being able to enjoy video content they want on their mobile device
• Social networks will benefit as engagement of their network is extended
• Content owners and advertisers will benefit as they successfully reach millions of highly targeted and engaged mobile users.
• Carriers will benefit by extending the benefit of their data plans
As social networks expand into the mobile arena, they have been careful not to cram too many features into the mobile experience. Naturally, the mobile version should be a “lite” version that is easy to navigate on the go. Some features are best left out of the mobile version, but others, like mobile video, are perfectly appropriate as mobile devices become more media-centric and backend mobile video delivery tools become more robust. As long as the experience is well designed and the delivery tools are scalable and robust, there is a mobile game changer on the horizon.
Finally, webOS Gets a Facebook App
And yet, owners of Palm Pre (which is a direct competitor to the iPhone) didn’t have an (official) Facebook () application – until now. The app requires webOS version 1.3.1, and will also work on the upcoming Palm Pixi, but unfortunately, the word is that the app doesn’t really have all the latest bells and whistles; in fact, it’s very basic compared to the iPhone version.
We don’t have a Pre handy, but if you do, and if you decide to try out the app, please let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Facebook Enables SMS Updates for Facebook Pages
Once subscribed, you’ll get the same updates from Pagespagespages that you currently get on your homepage. This functionality is much like that Facebook already offers for regular profiles, where you can subscribe to SMS updates for things like status updates and friend requests from regular user profiles. Unfortunately, some carriers (most notably, T-Mobile) don’t yet work with Facebook Mobile, which makes this feature unavailable to all.
As Nick O’Neill notes, this once again moves Facebook further towards TwitterTwitterTwitter, who already lets you subscribe to individual user’s updates via SMS. Facebook Pages – or public profiles as they are sometimes called – are part of the social network’s answer to Twitter, and with SMS now enabled, they have duplicated much of the functionality.
Is it enough to stop Twitter’s torrid growth? Probably not, at least for a while. Twitter currently has enough mindshare with the mainstream media that “follow us on Twitter!” is not likely to soon be expunged from their vernacular. And while anecdotally it would seem that more FacebookFacebookFacebook users are using the site in the way they want them to – posting frequent updates of “what’s on your mind” – the volume doesn’t seem to be anywhere near what’s seen on Twitter.
Senin, 19 Juli 2010
Facebook must stop tricking its users, says Danah Boyd
“After my talk, I received numerous emails from folks at Google, including the PM in charge of Buzz. The tenor was consistent, effectively: ‘we f—– up, we’re trying to fix it, please help us.’ What startled me was the radio silence from Facebook…”
Boyd joins a growing number of technology experts who are criticising Facebook’s approach to privacy. Her argument is particularly powerful since she takes the time to gather data about these things.
“Youth are actually much more concerned about exposure than adults these days. Why? Probably because they get it. And it’s why they’re using fake names and trying to go on the DL (down-low).
“A while back, I was talking with a teenage girl about her privacy settings and noticed that she had made lots of content available to friends-of-friends. I asked her if she made her content available to her mother. She responded with, ‘of course not!’ I had noticed that she had listed her aunt as a friend of hers and so I surfed with her to her aunt’s page and pointed out that her mother was a friend of her aunt, thus a friend-of-a-friend. She was horrified. It had never dawned on her that her mother might be included in that grouping.”
This kind of confusion is understandable given the complexity of Facebook’s privacy settings. Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s vice president for public policy, told the New York Times last week that Facebook can’t win – it is criticised for not allowing enough control if the privacy settings are simple and it is criticised for being too confusing when it allow more granular control.
However, Boyd says Facebook can do more:
“If Facebook wanted radical transparency, they could communicate to users every single person and entity who can see their content. They could notify then when the content is accessed by a partner. They could show them who all is included in ‘friends-of-friends’ (or at least a number of people). They hide behind lists because people’s abstractions allow them to share more. When people think ‘friends-of-friends’ they don’t think about all of the types of people that their friends might link to; they think of the people that their friends would bring to a dinner party if they were to host it. When they think of everyone, they think of individual people who might have an interest in them, not 3rd party services who want to monetize or redistribute their data. Users have no sense of how their data is being used and Facebook is not radically transparent about what that data is used for. Quite the opposite. Convolution works. It keeps the press out.”
Boyd closes by emphasising the importance of choice for Facebook users:
“The battle that is underway is not a battle over the future of privacy and publicity. It’s a battle over choice and informed consent. It’s unfolding because people are being duped, tricked, coerced, and confused into doing things where they don’t understand the consequences. Facebook keeps saying that it gives users choices, but that is completely unfair. It gives users the illusion of choice and hides the details away from them ‘for their own good.’”
However, Facebook is closing in on 500 million users. It might calculate that it can afford to annoy a few of them in order to get what it wants.
Facebook snooping: children have privacy rights too
Should schools be policing children’s Facebook pages? Should parents snoop on their children’s friends’ Facebook pages? A recent post by Emma Mulqueeny raises both those questions.
Her daughter and her daughter’s friends were called to see the deputy head at school and reprimanded “for talking to boys and swearing” on Facebook. Mulqueeny was disturbed by this and, concerned that the school had invaded her daughter’s privacy, asked them to explain:
“It turned out that what had happened was that one of the parents of the other girls involved had seen her daughters wall, and chat, had then explored all of the other girls’ walls and records of chats and had set about printing everything that concerned them. This parent created the file of print outs and took them to the school, asking that they do something about this. The deputy head said that she had a dilemma, really, she could not do nothing, nor could she really get overly involved. She decided that the best course of action was to call the girls in, to reprimand them for the behaviour that had concerned the other parent, mainly to teach them that 1. they can get caught doing anything online and 2. there is no such thing as completely private in the digital world.”
It seems that the school acted responsibly. They could – and perhaps should – have simply told the concerned parent that what the children did outside school was not their responsibility but there is some value in teaching the children that their online conversation are not always restricted to their intended audience.
If anyone did wrong here, it was the snooping parent. Reading your own child’s Facebook page is perhaps fair enough, particularly if they have connected with you, though it does feel a little like reading their diary. Reading your child’s friends’ Facebook pages is just creepy – a total invasion of privacy (again, assuming they haven’t explicitly given you permission by connecting with you).
The problem here is a quirk of the Facebook privacy settings. Unless you explicitly tell it not to, Facebook will share many aspects of your page with your friends’ friends. Thus if you are ‘friends’ with your child on Facebook, you might well be able to read their friends’ pages. That doesn’t mean that you should. Indeed, reading then printing out your child’s friends’ Facebook pages and then taking those print-outs to their school is not that different to reading and photocopying their diaries and taking those to a teacher.
It’s tempting to argue that children have no right to privacy because the need to protect them outweighs their desire for privacy. However, a sense of private space is an important part of growing up. And the fact that the ‘Facebook generation’ has a slightly different view of privacy is not the same as them having none at all.
What the deputy head should do next is show all the children how to update their privacy settings so that their friends’ parents can’t see their content.
Facebook Jumps the Walled Garden to Twitter
Facebook has had Twitter envy for the past 6 months.It was only a matter of time before facebook got it right and allowed actions on their site to jump over the facebook wall. Facebook just announced that you will be able to publish from facebook pages to twitter. Smart move for a variety of reason; the best of which it simply leverages a more friction free ecosystem to drive users back to facebook. I just hope that Twitter does not crush under the weight of these new flurry of tweets that are certain to come flowing from facebook.
This also makes Twittter even more valuable as a communication channel and will undoubtedly drive higher adoption of Twitter. Fasten your seat belts; I predict a bumpy ride.
Here is the blog post from the facebook team.
Publishing to Twitter from Facebook Pages
Many people have asked us to make Facebook and Twitter work better together for those times when they want to share their content as widely as possible. We agree. Over the next few days, we will be releasing a feature that allows administrators of Facebook Pages to publish their Facebook updates to their Twitter accounts automatically.
Public figures, musicians, businesses and organizations of all types who’ve created Facebook Pages often want to share a status update, a photo or an event with as many of their supporters as possible. Celebrities may want to share personal news or charities may want to put out calls for help to both their Facebook fans and their Twitter followers, all at the same time.
If you manage a Facebook Page, you now will be able to decide whether to share updates with their Twitter followers, and you also will be able to control what type of updates to share: status updates, links, photos, notes, events or all of them. If you have multiple Pages, you will have the option to link each of those Pages to different Twitter accounts. This new feature will only link Facebook Pages to Twitter, not your individual profile. It will soon be available at http://www.facebook.com/twitter.
A number of celebrities and organizations on Facebook are already using this feature to publish the content on their Facebook Page to Twitter and reach a wider audience. They include Dane Cook, LIVESTRONG, The World Wildlife Fund, and the NBA, WNBA and D-League.
We are always looking to make it easy for you to use Facebook with your favorite websites and applications. Facebook Connect allows you to bring your Facebook profile with you across the Web. We recently worked with Yahoo to integrate your Facebook experience into Yahoo’s new homepage; we’ve built our own Firefox and iPhone applications in-house; and we built tools to help you bring your content from YouTube, Hulu and other sites into your Facebook profile.
Twitter was a natural next step to link with Facebook Pages because it is a powerful tool for broadcasting short messages widely.
I was able to build this new feature from start to finish as a summer engineering intern. Next month I’ll head back to school, but I’m excited to see my work here live on through all of the people who now will both share on Facebook and tweet on Twitter right from their Facebook Pages.
facebook f8 live event
I have been at every facebook f8 event and lots of the early developer garages; unfortunately my startup work at TweetPhoto has me buried and I cant attend.
you will see tons of new product announcements. my thoughts are “like” and “geo places” and checkin with iphones are my predictions. Looks like keychain tokens as well
1500 people will be there; these events rock and facebook does it first class.
if you want to see all the great stuff happening at facebooks f8 live stream and tracks here
facebook f8 watching it stream live http://apps.facebook.com/feightlive/
Facebook Profile: What is Facebook?
In short, it is your home on the web. Find out more you can do with Facebook and why you should use it.
Facebook sprung from its roots as a school-based social network to became the most popular social network in the world. A few keys to Facebook's success is its ability to appeal to both people and businesses, the success of Facebook's developers network which has turned Facebook into a thriving platform, and Facebook Connect's ability to reach out to the rest of the web and provide a single login that works across multiple sites.
How to Organize Your Facebook Friends
Facebook Profile: Key Features
* Facebook allows you to maintain a friends list and choose privacy settings to tailor who can see what on your profile
* Facebook allows you to upload photos and maintain photo albums that can be shared with your friends
* Facebook supports interactive online chat and the ability to comment on your friends "walls" in order to keep in touch or just say 'hi'.
* Facebook supports groups and fan pages, allowing businesses to effectively use Facebook as a vehicle for social media marketing
* Facebook's developer network delivers advanced functionality in the form of social apps like Flixster and Vampire Wars
* Facebook Connect allows websites to interact with Facebook and allows Facebook to be used as a universal login authentication service
How to Set Up an RSS Feed on Facebook
Facebook Profile: History
Facebook is a social network founded in February of 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Originally a social network for students of Harvard University, it became a hit on campus and expanded to other colleges. In 2005, Facebook opened itself to high schools, and in 2006, it was open to everyone. Since then, it has experienced tremendous growth, bypassing MySpace in terms of global popularity.
In 2007, Facebook launched the Facebook Platform, which allowed developers to create applications on the network. Rather than simply being badges or widgets to adorn on a Facebook page, these applications allowed friends to interact by giving gifts or playing games, such as chess. In 2008, Facebook launched Facebook Connect, which competed with OpenSocial and Google Friend Connect as a universal login authentication service.
Senin, 05 Juli 2010
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The Arkansas mother now faces a charge of harassment.
The hacker is believed to have stolen the IDs of 1.5 million Facebook users. If accurate, that means one out of every 300 Facebook users may have been victimized. Kirllos is selling the information on an underground hacker website, according to VeriSign's iDefense Labs. The cybersecurity company estimates that kirllos has sold around 700,000 accounts so far, but VeriSign was unable to verify if any of the accounts are legitimate accounts belonging to real Facebook users.
Kirllos' prices are incredibly cheap compared to other scams for sale. E-mail usernames and passwords usually fetch between $1 to $20 each, according to Symantec's latest Internet Security Threat Report. In contrast, Kirllos is claiming he will sell accounts for as little as 25 cents each.
mfacebook.com is a website that ranks 5751988 in Alexa
Security researchers at VeriSign iDefense can put a price on your Facebook account. As a recent attempt to sell 1.5 million accounts shows, social networking credentials are gaining value in the cyber-underworld.
Signing up for Facebook is free. But that doesn't mean attackers will have trouble turning a profit if they get their hands on your user credentials.
Just how much money can be made is illustrated by new findings from VeriSign iDefense, which uncovered a cyber-crook on an electronic fraud forum selling 1.5 million Facebook accounts at a price of $25 per 1,000 accounts with 10 contacts or less. For accounts with more than 10 friends the going rate was $45 per 1,000.
comprehensive analysis of mfacebook.com's
According to reports online, a hacker calling himself Kirllos has put up the large volume of Facebook user names and passwords on an underground hacker forum.
Against the total number of Facebook users, this is estimated to account for one in every 300.
VeriSign's iDefense group found Kirllos' post and pegs the number of accounts sold so far at 700,000.
iDefense did not provide confirmation on whether the accounts are legitimate, but the security company said this follows a trend of hackers stealing social networking IDs from global networks such as Facebook.
Randy Abrams, director of technical education with security firm, Eset, pointed out in a statement that scams practised over social networking sites are able to dupe more people because victims are more trusting, thinking the sender is a friend.
According to Symantec's Internet security threat report for April, the estimated cost of e-mail IDs and passwords typically go for between US$1 and US$20 per account. Credit card and bank account credentials can go up to US$30 for credit cards and US$850 for bank accounts.
This makes Kirllos' asking price of US$25 to US$45 per 1,000 accounts much lower in comparison.
Facebook has been the target of numerous hacking attacks over the last few years. Last month, McAfee warned of an e-mail going around that contained a Facebook password-stealer. Last year, a phishing scam sent a round of private messages to Facebook and Twitter users, with a link to a malware site.
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Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Welcome to Facebook Sheryl Sandberg Free My Data
On your fourth day at Facebook, my data said to me: Sheryl will surely set us free.
But, let’s be realistic–getting ubiquitous data portability is about as likely as actually finding a partridge in a pear tree.
Still, here’s an issue the new COO can actually sink her teeth into, as the notion of who has the rights to your data on social-networking sites like Facebook and how much control you have over it yourself is a topic that will surely eventually become a political one (and politics was an arena in which Sandberg was involved as a staffer in the Clinton administration).
While I know Facebook this week joined in a Microsoft (MSFT) initiative–along with social-networking sites like LinkedIn, Tagged, Hi5, Bebo–on a new and, well, convoluted, scheme to allow users to move their relationship info between the services, I am sorry to say that it is just not enough. Not nearly enough.
Like the appalling situation in instant messaging, where the key services do not work together because companies put their interests ahead of consumers’ convenience, there should be an industry-wide standard to allow users to move a great deal, if not all, of their data among and between services of their choice.
Obviously, all photos and videos, as well as personal information inputted, should be easy to move. And I do realize there needs to be clear privacy parameters around moving data about your friends (who, in any case, gave you access to the data in the first place).
And I do realize this is a difficult technological issue, but you are all very smart, I am told, and have plenty of money to figure it out.
So why won’t it happen quickly?
In a post I wrote in January after blogger Robert Scoble got slapped by the company for using software to “scrape” his data from his Facebook profile, I noted an even more obvious reason.
I wrote: “More to the point, such an ability would be damaging to Facebook’s business plan around building a robust ad business. The success of that squarely relies on people staying and actively using the service because they have committed time and effort in putting up scads of information, photos and videos about themselves on the service, as well as establishing a complex and personally valuable network of friends.”
While sites like Facebook like to trot out privacy concerns about this particular issue of being able to digitally move friends’ data around without explicit permission (even though a person could physically copy all this data and move it anyway), to my mind, the issue has more to do with social-networking sites wanting to lock you into their services, rather than allowing you to do what you like.
It’s all very parental, but not very realistic.
In fact, I might have several services I use, like Facebook for fun and LinkedIn for work and MySpace to meet, say, fellow fans of Barry Manilow (yes, I am a Fanilow).
Thus, I would like to be able to move data around easily and without having to pick a certain camp to live in to do so.
After all, as the great Barry sings (sort of): Oh, Facebook, well, I came and I gave (my data) without taking.
Now, though, I want to take.
Connect with your friends on your favorite websites Facebook
Facebook Complaints
Well I've just about had it. I've had my account disabled for persistant misuse, I have not received one reply from my emails. I 've called the company and sent letters to the editor of every paper that I could think of ... including the local paper in Palo Alto where Facebooks headquarters is.. I think to myself, someone has to take notice.. but nope.
Nothing ... tick tock tick tock.
So i start reading a little more and turns out, Facebook has had a lot of complaints against them. Suprise suprise...
so much so in fact that the Attorney General of NY has ordered them to get an ISSE to investigate complaints. Well I think... Customer relations is not something to be taken lightly, so important in fact that companies who have not focused on this lost their business to other companies who knew that this was their trump. Facebook fails to realize that they can be easily replaced.. because in fact.. the best social utility.. is the internet!!!
Facebook needs an eye opener.
That administrator who so easily disabled your account could have used one of their own applications to have avoided this whole mess. yes .. Instant Messaging. Why did they not warn me there or verify that I was only replying..
Facebook needs a more detailed list of the code of conduct and terms and conditions, so people like me can understand why in the hell their account is gone? for replying to posts and letters? How tell me? Daily limit.. what limit? That s not in there... something must be done.
so I encourage you to contact the only sharpest pen in the can I call the internet.. the Attorney General of NY!
Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life
Hi, about mid way through Thanksgiving Break I tried to log on to my facebook account and they gave me a message that my account had been disabled. I know I did not violate any of the terms of use. I don't have 5000 friends or belong to 200 groups. I have sent so many numerous emails but they say the same thing. All the message says is that your account has been disabled for poke reasons, harassment, etc. Then the name of the customer service rep. I get the same message back every time with a different customer service rep. name. I have a security clearance so my employer would have done something if I had something bad on my account. I am not a bad person just a regular college kid. I want my account back and was wondering what can be done, and if that Thor guy can help. Any legal action I can take
Welcome to Facebook, a social utility that connects you with the people around you
This lens is solely devoted to help you advance in the wonderful world of FarmVille with a few Facebook FarmVille cheats that will help your farm explode in a good way. All of the FarmVille Cheats in this lens will not get you banned from Facebook, will not get your FarmVille account canceled and will not send your computer a million and one viruses like the typical FarmVille hack.
FarmVille Cheats The Hay Bale Cheat
The FarmVille hay bale cheat is really simple to put into place and the best part is that it will speed up your game dramatically. What you want to do in order to put the hay bale cheat in effect is line up three hay bales in a way that leaves an open space. Get your FarmVille farmer to go into the space and quickly trap him in by placing a fourth hay bale. Now instead of having to wait for your farmer to travel to place to place on your FarmVille farm the game will no longer have to wait and run a heck of a lot faster plus your farmer still gains all of the experience points at the same time
Facebook FarmVille Cheats How To Make The Most Money In FarmVille
The key to making money on FarmVille is to keep track of what produces the fastest and at the same time costs the least amount of money. This is not about making your farm attractive but to make your farm profitable. For example, strawberries sell for 35 coins per plot of land harvested and they take 4 hours to grow. Pumpkins, on the other hand, take 8 hours to grow and sell for 68 coins per plot of land harvested. This is also going to come down to time management for example when life gets in the way of making money on FarmVille plant the Pumpkin if you know your going to be gone for eight hours as the last thing you want is your crop to rot which will cost you a ton of money.

FarmVille Cheats How To Get The Most Ribbons In FarmVille
Everyone wants the cheat for FarmVille ribbon but in the end there is no magic sequence of buttons just a few techniques that will work. The first thing to do is focus on a single ribbon at a time the good thing is while your focused on the single ribbon you will still be gaining on the requirements for other ribbons. Make sure you know what is the requirements for the ribbons, received too many emails by people asking how to get a ribbon when the information is available at the lower right corner of the screen. Neighbors are the key to getting ribbons very quickly so do what you can do to get as many as possible or check out FarmVille Secrets for an amazing way to explode your neighbor population
FarmVille Secrets Strategy Guide
So I finally broke down and bought FarmVille Secrets. This guide has been released pretty recently, so it's up to date on all of the latest advances in the game. I found it to be immensely helpful to me, and I was quickly raking in the coins and moving up in levels like you wouldn't believe.
In addition to the helpful tips, FarmVille Secrets also includes some handy charts and other resources that help you to compare items available in the Market and also helps you to plan out your spending and improvement strategies. I think you'll be as pleasantly surprised as I was when you read this guide and put the tips in it to use on your farm. I started to see results overnight almost. It's definitely a guide worth checking out if you're having trouble getting the hang of FarmVille, or if you just want to give your game an extra boost. Either way, you'll be happy you tried it
Welcome to Facebook Box from the top
How do you remove "Welcome to Facebook" bar at the top of my page?

The more people who ask this question, the more it gets noticed.
Welcome to Facebook Who The American Tree Farm System
Way more countries have laws against holocaust denial (11 or so) than breast feeding (0), but guess which one is banned on Facebook? That’s right. Pictures of breast feeding babies are indecent, so they’re a no go.
But Holocaust denial is totally cool because it fosters open discussion. Facebook wants to “be a place where people can discuss all kinds of ideas, including controversial ones.” Even, apparently, the discussion of the idea that someone might be a “Nigger faggot, Jew nosed cunt.” That’s just one of many hateful messages I found written on a Holocaust denial site on Facebook.
Brian Cuban is making the removal of these sites a personal mission. He’s arguing the law. He’s arguing terms of service. He’s arguing common sense and decency. These groups are clearly little more than excuses to spew hatred towards Jews, and Facebook is too timid to do anything about it. The first amendment doesn’t apply to private companies. So why is Facebook so willing to take a stand when it comes to hungry babies, but won’t do a damn thing when it comes to the Holocaust.
Because they’re cowards. Here’s more open discussion of ideas on a Facebook Holocaust denial group:
If Facebook doesn’t want to take a moral or ethical stand on the issue, they can easily make a case that the groups violate their terms of service. These groups violate multiple sections of the TOS, particularly Section 3. There’s an easy way out of this for Facebook, and it also happens to be the right thing to do. Why in the world must they draw a line in the sand and then stand on the same side as Holocaust deniers is beyond me.
Update: Up for debate is whether or not this image of Romanian children in Auschwitz, victims of medical experiments, is evidence of the Holocaust, which apparently may or may not have happened. But what isn’t debatable is whether or not this is pornography under Facebook’s TOS. It is.
Yes, Facebook, this is the side of the line you’ve chosen to stand on.
Welcome to Facebook everyone
Look for Facebook Like buttons across the web to connect with the things you care about and share them with your friends. Control who can see this information.
The Like button
When you click the Like button, a link to that page is added to your Facebook profile and a story is shared with your friends.
That page can also keep you updated through your News Feed.
Your friends
Find out what your friends have liked, shared and commented on through the Activity Feed and Recommendations social plugins. These new plugins offer you the same control over what you can see and share as you already have on Facebook. More details can be found on the Facebook Blog.
Social plugins offer you the same control over what you can see and share as you already have on Facebook. All social plugins are extensions of Facebook and are specifically designed so none of your details are shared with sites on which they appear. More details can be found in our Help Center.
Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
Facebook and Google Maps Dominate Smartphone App Usage
Nielsen has released a new mobile application report and its findings showcase not only the increase in smartphone usage, but also what applications are most popular. For its report, Nielsen surveyed more than 4,200 people who had downloaded a mobile application in the last 30 days.
The survey really highlights just how much smartphone ownership trails traditional feature phone ownership, at least in the U.S. Nielsen’s study shows that 21% of American wireless subscribers have smartphones.
Still, even non-smartphone users have heavily embraced mobile apps. Nielsen’s survey indicates that the average number of apps that a feature phone user has on his or her device is 10, while the average number of apps a smartphone user has is 22.
Broken down even further, the average number of installed apps based on smartphone OS looks like this:
- BlackBerry: 10
- iPhone: 37
- Android (
): 22
- Palm: 14
- Windows Mobile: 13
Most Popular Smartphone Apps
While the specific applications vary from platform to platform, the most popular apps across smartphones were pretty consistent in this report: Maps, weather, Facebook and music all had strong showings.
Check out this chart which breaks down the five most popular apps by smartphone OS:

It’s interesting to see just how much Facebook dominates the mobile app space; it’s one of the top five apps on each of the platforms highlighted. Still, Nielsen notes that broken down by demographic, MySpace () is still very popular among teens and that LinkedIn (
) is strong in the 25-44 demographic.
Facebook Day Falls Flat
Yesterday was Quit Facebook Day, and for all intents and purposes, it was a bust. According to the group’s homepage, only 34,000 users vowed to “quit Facebook” and remember, committing to quit and actually quitting aren’t the same thing.
While the debate over Facebook and privacy is far from over, those concerns are trumped by the utility of the actual service. At least for now.
Yesterday, we asked readers if they were going to quit Facebook (). After more than 10,000 votes, nearly 63.73% of readers (6,593 combined votes) said that they would not be quitting Facebook. 25.57% (2,645 votes) said that they were going to quit Facebook and 10.7% (1,107 votes) said that they didn’t even have a Facebook account.
Now, our poll was far from scientific, but it does offer some anecdotal food for thought. What we’ve been hearing from readers over the last few months isn’t that privacy concerns or fears are unwarranted — Facebook users do seem to be uneasy with some of the changes to the service and its growing reach — but that the service itself is ultimately too important as a way of communication to give up.
The long-term impact of the latest privacy control updates remain to be seen but it looks Facebook has emerged from this round of privacy warfare relatively unscathed — at least for now.
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