Senin, 30 Mei 2011 – Mobile Facebook
How to Log in?
If you signed up for from your phone, enter your number including country code and excluding “+” or “00″ when logging in. If not, log in with your usual email and password.
How to Upload Photos/Videos?
facebook help page Log in your Mobile Facebook, go to the Publisher, located at the top of your Wall, and click the Photos button next to “Attach.” Then click “Upload a Photo” and select the “upload via email” link.
More FAQs from
Site Gets Privacy Controls
The mobile site is only part of Facebook’s multi-pronged mobile strategy, which also includes mobile apps and, but the addition shows that the company is committed to letting users control their data across platforms. The feature is being rolled out slowly, so it is currently unclear if users will be able to set distribution on a post-by-post basis or only as an overarching setting.
Users will soon be able to access the new mobile privacy controls at, or by navigating to Settings->Privacy Settings. There they’ll be able to select who can see the content they share by selecting one of the buckets (Friends Only, Friends of Friends, Everyone, Recommended or Custom) that came along with the new privacy interface released in late May. Recommended is the first option, however, this in fact means sharing posts with everyone, which we noted could be risky since users often post content which could be dangerous or damaging to their credibility if seen by the wrong people.
Users will also have granular privacy control of who sees any of the actions one can take on Facebook. Block lists, public search settings, and basic directory information privacy will also be editable from
Mobile Site’s New Home Page Emphasizes Notifications
When users visit they’ll see a trimmed down version of the status publisher above the new notifications, birthdays and requests panel. From here users can respond to friend requests, see that day’s birthdays, and click through links to view all of their latest notifications or their pending event invitations and other requests. This change refocuses the mobile interface on viewing and responding to the actions of others over creating new content.
Below notifications users will see Top News or Most Recent views of their news feed. Options to view only status updates or photos have been relocated behind the See More Stories button at the bottom of the Most Recent feed. There users will also find options to view feeds of only Link, Note, or Event stories — options not available on Comment and like buttons are now in-line with news feed story timestamps, giving a more streamlined look with less empty white space. At the bottom of the feed is a People You May Know panel similar to the one seen in the right sidebar of the web version of’s home page.
At the bottom of the home page, the Bookmarks panel has been split with Notifications, My Pages, Events, and Photos remaining above the fold; and Links, Notes, Groups, and SMS hidden behind a More button.
This redesign is primarily aesthetic, and doesn’t give users Places functionality like and Facebook for iPhone have. Though some traffic comes from being used to direct people to download their handset specific Facebook app, had almost 10 million daily active users and almost 50 million monthly active users by mid August. Keeping this user base engaged through redesigns is important as Facebook waits for them to have access to more full-featured apps and interfaces which increase overall usage.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
Www m facebook com login - .Pdf & Word Free Ebooks Download
The solution is quite straightforwards... log in to the full version and then (before it hangs up and after the log in process is done) go to the address address bar and change it to'
I tried the websites for mobiles etc from a desktop PC using Firefox and Opera. I could enter the sites, but didn't stay to look around. I assume the Kindle3 webkit browser will be able to do this too.
Will Kindle3 be able to enter the normal websites listed in the left-handside column above? If so, what will the user-experience be, acceptable or just plain awful (if answerable)?
For me the Kindle3 is for reading, but our teenage children want to use it for facebook too. From what I have seen I think they will be able to, so will go ahead and buy.
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
Mobile > Mobile: Facebook Mobile Web (
The network is made up of hundreds of separate networks based around schools, businesses and regions. Although registration is now open to the public, the site still caters to a college and high school demographic focusing on networking through groups and social activism.
Profiles allow users to post pictures, comments, blogs and apps. Additionally, it has some of the best privacy options on the Internet. We felt that Facebook really encouraged using the site to foster relationships with people you already know, or friends of friends. Within hours, we were already in touch with scores of old friends, relatives and acquaintances.
The only real griping we could do concerns Facebook’s lack of customization options. However, most users like the design and uniform feel of the site the way it is. Choosing between MySpace and Facebook is really a matter of interface preference and going to where your friends are. But, if you’re new to the whole social networking thing, Facebook is the place to be.
Facebook's mobile website more popular than its apps
- Facebook allows you to maintain a friends list and choose privacy settings to tailor who can see what on your profile
- Facebook allows you to upload photos and maintain photo albums that can be shared with your friends
- Facebook supports interactive online chat and the ability to comment on your friends "walls" in order to keep in touch or just say 'hi'.
- Facebook supports groups and fan pages, allowing businesses to effectively use Facebook as a vehicle for social media marketing
- Facebook's developer network delivers advanced functionality in the form of social apps like Flixster and Vampire Wars
- Facebook Connect allows websites to interact with Facebook and allows Facebook to be used as a universal login authentication service
Facebook Platform Developer Forum / login
Facebook’s website design is straightforward; it has few graphics or decoration, but they managed to create a uniform utilitarian interface that most users adore. Although you can’t customize skins or change your color scheme, you can rearrange the position of some of your information boxes on your profile by simply dragging and dropping them to other spots on the screen.
Unlike MySpace, your Facebook backend looks exactly like what others see on the site when they look at your profile. You see what they will see.
When you register, your location and/or school become your first “networks,” from there you can search for others in your network looking for friends or colleagues.
Once you’ve found someone you want to connect with, send them a message, see a list of their friends and invite them into your network of friends. Share photos, notes and news feeds. Your friends can also post comments on your profile wall.
www.m.facebook apps are probably the most appealing aspect of the site. One of the first social networking sites to incorporate third-party applications into the system; you have a variety of options to choose from. You can add quizzes, support tags, feeds and more.
Some other interesting aspects to Facebook profiles are the automatic linking and News Feed. The automatic linking happens when you place a specific noun in your interest or education section. The link will direct you to others that also have the same interests written down or school selected. It’s not a perfect science, but kind of fun to see which other members share your music, movie or book selections.
The News m.facebook mobileFeeds work like mini spies. If you subscribe to someone’s feed or if you are subscribed, your friends can see what music you are listening to, the website you are on or what you’ve just bought on Amazon.
Facebook goes into • mozillaZine Forums
Networking Features:Facebook’s bread and butter are their groups. Much like college campuses create groups, so does Facebook. You can join your favorite band, political candidate and local organizations. They have more than 500 groups in 23 categories.
Facebook has really ramped up its networking features. Before it used to be just a simple place for people with similar interests to, well, network. Now, they are filling it up with additional options like apps, and instant messaging, forums, photo tagging and more. Facebook also allows you to send whole photo albums to friends even if they are not members of the Facebook community.
Recently they’ve put more emphasis on additional features like uploading personal videos and expanding the marketplace. We also found an app for Facebook Mobile, a mobile version of Facebook that can be accessed on your phone.
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
Facebook goes into
I am currently using Firefox 2.0 as my browser. Home page seems to work fine for other browsers, including Firefox and IE, but not SeaMonkey, which is based on the same source code as Firefox. – Signup Facebook Login Page
m.facebook mobile Through this website you can link to other websites that are not under the control for Cheat. We have no control over the content, nature and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any link does not always mean recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.
Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, for the Cheat is not responsible for, and shall not be liable for, the website is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control. | Signup Facebook Login Page
Sign UpFacebook helps you connect and share with the people in your - Signup Page up Login - Join Free Or Signup for Using Cell Phone
Get access to up Login with your mobile phone. Also sign up for free to account for. All you have to do is select the name you want for your Facebook account. Can use your phone to do this on the site You can join for free. There are a variety of languages to choose from.
With that you can keep in touch with the people you love. This could be your friend and also your family. Facebook is a free service that you can access on your phone here. Facebook has gone mobile and is much easier to log into your Facebook account now from your phone.
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011 – Mobile Facebook

I prefer a portal for the iPhone because it does not look like all curled up to fit the display column. Instead, it has a tab at the top to jump around different parts of Facebook.
You can visit the portal by typing into your mobile browser. Facebook mobile version can be accessed via - Forum
The difference facebook login mobile phone ? The iPhone-version (or 'high end', because it works on my Android-devices as well) looked much more beautiful, but m-one has all the features one would expect from a mobile version of the site up. Take a look at this screenshot (low quality);
In order for the house on M and the iPhone:
how to work facebook faceoff: house

Facebook profile in the M and the iPhone:
facebook faceoff: Profile
Up friends in the M and the iPhone:
m facebook home faceoff: Friends
Basically, except for the default page-friend, not in terms of offering more or better functionality than the version of the "low end". In contrast, the iPhone-version does not even come close in comparison with
Dear use facebook mobile ; bling is not everything and I really do not want to install your application, so kudos to create a site, feature-rich mobile strong in, but most do not implement the same functionality on the iphone.
Facebook goes into

As a result, I tend to focus this short period of time browsing the site is relatively small. In order of time spent, this is the site along with screenshots of each that I use most: (apologies to international readers to some local sites are totally useless for everyone except those who live in Helsinki)
NY Times on - highlighted earlier, this is my favorite site of mobile-optimized. Stories are interesting and useful, well presented with an appropriate amount of photos. Given the ability of the phone, I really could not ask for much more.
Of course, there is little interference with one ad at the top of the page, but that falls into the category-received.
Helsingin Sanomat in Finland best for local news, this new site works pretty well, although the ad along with the title and navigation bar takes too much space on the home page (see screenshot). Still works pretty well and including the occasional picture.
I also liked the URL. If only all the mobile site is fast and comfortable is named. The "m" prefix must be the de facto standard if you ask me;. Mobi is a bad idea but everyone who has their domain should have no problem in making a mobile-version of the prefix "m" (and has a mobile-prefix as an alias as well)
To be in
Site up mobile which is optimized version of a very flawed, but still useful for quick status updates and checks. A good mobile interface is very important for things like up - otherwise, the status of someone is always going to be something boring like "at home" or "at work" as you see from time to time .. (Name deleted from the screenshot here to protect the innocent.)
Australia in is another version of good newspaper mobile mostly done, although the long URLs. Downsides is that there are practically no pictures and can use the category links on every page - but it also shows that making a relatively functioning mobile site does not need aa primary responsibility. This is the kind of sites that one should be able to get out of every CMS half decent with not much trouble at all.
YTV Journey Planner at is one of the most useful mobile site ever, despite the horrible URLs are a pain to type before bookmarking it. Travel Planner basically tells you what to take public transportation to get from Points A to Point B, along with schedules and route maps.
Google Reader in is a nice interface to access your Google Reader bloglist move. Not fancy but it works pretty well, unfortunately, at least on Nokia phones, can not remember your login information for a long time (not days or weeks), so you have to log in sometimes re-which is a little sore.
Rain radar in
This is an exception in the sense that they're not moving-optimized. However, it is simple enough to be used on telephone and offered services (Doppler radar rain + temperature metropolitan area) is very useful that deserves to be on the list.
The difference? The iPhone-version (or 'high end', because it works on my Android-devices as well) looked much more beautiful, but m-one has all the features one would expect from a mobile version of the site up. Take a look at this screenshot (low quality);
In order for the house on M and the iPhone:
facebook faceoff: house

Facebook profile in the M and the iPhone:
facebook faceoff: Profile
Up friends in the M and the iPhone:
facebook faceoff: Friends
Basically, except for the default page-friend, not in terms of offering more or better functionality than the version of the "low end". In contrast, the iPhone-version does not even come close in comparison with
Dear Facebook; bling is not everything and I really do not want to install your application, so kudos to create a site, feature-rich mobile strong in, but most do not implement the same functionality on the iphone.
mobile social media

What can we do on Facebook from our mobile devices? Basically there are three things, namely:
Mobile Web. Browse for a web site from
Facebook Mobile
Mobile Upload. Upload notes and drawings by sending a multimedia message to or Most S60 devices can send multimedia messages to email addresses.
Up Multimedia Message
Mobile Text. Update your status by sending a text message to FBOOK (32 665). You can also do many other things by sending a text message, for example, poke your friends and write to your friend's wall. To update your status simply send a text message starting with "@" (see picture below).
Up for Text Messages
Note that before using the service text message, you must register your phone number. Unfortunately, as of this writing the post, only U.S. and Canadian numbers are supported.

M Mobile: Facebook Mobile Web (

Relatively low bandwidth of the interface is part of a multi-pronged strategy for mobile is designed to ensure that users have access to services regardless of their handset or the power of their data connections. match between mobile applications more intensive data such as Facebook for iPhone and mobile sites, and minimum-bandwidth interface
When users visit they will look trimmed down version of publisher status for the above, the new birthday notification and the panel request. From here users can respond to friend requests, view birthday that day, and click through the link to view all recent notices them or delay their event invitations and other requests. This change refocuses on the phone interface to view and respond to the actions of others more than creating new content.
Following notification of the user will see a line or a majority view on their latest news feeds. Options to view status updates or photos that you have just moved in behind the button See More Stories at the bottom of the feed Recent. There are also users will find an option to view feeds from Link only, notes, or events is the story - the choice is not available on Comments and key present in-line with the stamp of news feeds, provides a more streamlined with a little white space blank. At the bottom of the feed is People You May Know the panel similar to that seen in the right sidebar of the web version of the home page 's.
At the bottom of the home page, the panel has been split with the Notification Bookmarks, My Pages, Events, and Photo remaining above the fold and Links, Notes, Groups, and SMS is hidden behind another button.
redesign is primarily aesthetic, and not give users function Places like and up to the iPhone has. Although some traffic coming from used to direct people to download their handsets for specific applications, nearly 10 million active users daily and nearly 50 million active users monthly in mid-August.
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
There are Lots of Ways to Do a Facebook
- Practical – every chapter ends with action items for you to try out the lessons learned.
- Economical – if you’re a regular Facebook user or on your way to becoming one, the authors’ advice will save you A LOT of time for example with tips about how to manage your Facebook notifications.
- Complete – whether you’re considering Facebook for personal use and/or business use, Jason & Jesse have it covered.
- Readable – the content flows well, making it easy to read, understand and learn.
- Personal – Chapter 6′s recommended usage by profile – e.g. Mom or Dad, Business Owner, Student, etc. – is a big time-saver to get you moving in the right direction.
- Useful – especially pertinent for job seekers, the book has terrific insight about how to brand yourself with Facebook.
- Pragmatic – possibly the longest chapter is about privacy – the biggest concern for anyone using Facebook – and discusses when you want it and when you’ll be willing to give it up. Plus, the useful appendix to assuage your worries by telling you exactly which information a Facebook application does and does not have access to.
Facebook Platform Developer
So I’ve spent a lot of time with this book. And I’ve spent a lot of time covering Facebook over the last five years, since my first post in 2005 when the company told us that 85% of college students at covered schools were logging into the site at least once a week.
About two years ago Kirkpatrick decided to write a book about Facebook. At the time the site was growing extremely quickly but it certainly wasn’t clear that it would become the 800 lb cultural gorilla that it is today. But he walked away from his position as one of the most senior tech writers at Fortune to pursue this book. And the end result is a fascinating read.
Here’s my recommendation: If you are interested in startups, or how marketing and advertising are evolving, or just how Facebook is changing the world, buy this book. It’s very readable and gives great insights into how Facebook grew from a dorm room to a huge company. There’s no other book out there that gives such a complete history of the company and of Mark Zuckerberg.
Facebook Mobile Login
Even though Atlanta was set as my default, I am able to browse other city deal pages through a drop down at the top of the page. Currently the only cities offering Facebook deals are Atlanta, San Francisco, Dallas, Austin, and San Diego.
As the screenshot above shows, this deals page includes a brief description of the deal, the reduced price, and the option to “Like” or “Buy.” Since most people want to know more about the deal before liking or buying, once you click on the deal you are driven to a “Deals” tab within the brand’s current Facebook page.
Although this screenshot doesn’t capture the entire tab, the tab also includes an area for people to comment about the deal, ask questions around the deal (instead of having to navigate back to the wall), and chat with others about how excited they are that they just purchased it.
Now, lets say I want to buy a deal. If I click “Buy” then I’m led to the following screen where I can select the quantity. As you also can tell, Facebook cleverly checks the option to post to my profile, so as soon as I make the purchase my friends can also see my activity.
Facebook Mobile Web (
Profiles allow users to post pictures, comments, blogs and apps. Additionally, it has some of the best privacy options on the Internet. We felt that Facebook really encouraged using the site to foster relationships with people you already know, or friends of friends. Within hours, we were already in touch with scores of old friends, relatives and acquaintances.
The only real griping we could do concerns Facebook’s lack of customization options. However, most users like the design and uniform feel of the site the way it is. Choosing between MySpace and Facebook is really a matter of interface preference and going to where your friends are. But, if you’re new to the whole social networking thing, Facebook is the place to be.
Facebook’s website design is straightforward; it has few graphics or decoration, but they managed to create a uniform utilitarian interface that most users adore. Although you can’t customize skins or change your color scheme, you can rearrange the position of some of your information boxes on your profile by simply dragging and dropping them to other spots on the screen.
Unlike MySpace, your Facebook backend looks exactly like what others see on the site when they look at your profile. You see what they will see.
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011
Mobile Site Gets Privacy Controls
- FLU let you post update on your facebook The location name and a google maps link of your current location will be posted with your message automatically .
- FLU supports photo attachment by browsing the phone album/gallery or capture from camera
- FLU supports auto-update at configurable interval.
- A convenient way to share your current location with your Facebook friends.
- With auto-update enabled, your friends know if you are about to arrive at a meeting location via Facebook.
- Geo-tag your photos automatically.
You can get a free Facebook Login and signup
Share your experiences virtually realtime, before they become distant memories. With Roxio PhotoShow – Facebook Edition, it’s so easy to give your pictures the attention they deserve and make sure that they stand out above the rest. Say goodbye to boring Facebook albums. PhotoShows are much more interesting for your Facebook friends to view. And since you can take pictures, then create and publish your photo slideshow all from your Android devices, there’s no need to sync your photos to your computer before posting. It’s fast and easy with Roxio PhotoShow – Facebook Edition.
Just select photos from your Android device or pick them from one of your Facebook albums, then personalize and animate your show with one of 4 professionally designed styles. When you’re done, publish your interactive PhotoShow directly to your Facebook Wall for your friends to view, comment on, and "Like".
Join Signup Facebook Free Using Cell Phone
Signup Facebook Login Page
The Mobile application page displays mobile photos recently uploaded by your friends and a phonebook that you can use to look up your friend’s phone numbers.
Recent changes:
- Added chat - now you can chat with your Facebook friends right from your Android device
- Push notifications
- Various bug fixes
NOTE: Places is only available for US users at the moment and will be rolled out gradually. We're working on launching other regions soon.